Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Trade Show Displays: Why Yours Sucks

Original Post: Trade Show Displays and Conversion

Ever notice that you're the last one to realize you've got snot in your nose? Ever notice that you're the last one to realize that you lost your sun glasses on top of your head? Well, the same phenomenon occurs while you spend hundreds of thousands of dollars building your custom trade show booth.

You're the last one to realize that nobody gets what you do.

Seriously. You've walked passed thousands of exhibits over your professional career and never stopped to ask for more information from that team that'd be happy to pour you a glass of wine or beer. That's because they didn't realize they were invisible either. And that's because they didn't mean anything to you.

Well, you're doing the same thing to the people who foot traffic their way by your expensive booth.You might think you're doing well because you've put up your logo in 3,000 pt text. But does your logo immediately communicate your latest marketing push or business direction? If it doesn't, how do you expect it to generate this response: "Hi, I think you might be exactly what our company was looking for."

That IS the goal, isn't it? Ask a Adwords Consultant

Your goal is to meet people you're strategically aligned with and yet you don't even communicate your mission. That's like standing on a 6 way round about intersection without even holding up a thumb to imply which way you're going.

So try a bit of messaging. Make it clear and concise. Then, edit and delete 20% of the verbage. Repeat 5 more times until you're left with two to five total words. If you're a startup in tech, try something like, "Solving monetization for apps." If you're a medical device maker try, "Artificially making organs." If you're a fashion company, try, "Durable yet sheek urban wear."

make what you do clear and 100% of the people who pass you by will either ask for more information or pass you by and not even steal a Hershey's kiss because they could immediately tell there was no alignment between you and your Adwords consultant.

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