Thursday, January 1, 2009

Grand Master Style Sheet

So far, we've established in our last blog posts how to begin architecting a web viral marketing strategy. You will notice that we haven't even touched content development or marketing creative. This is because your infrastructure must be in place before you spend a single penny on the actually marketing pieces.

Before we get too far. You and I both know that since you have a collection of email addresses, you really should put it to good use. Make sure that you do NOT use these email addresses for anything self serving YET! I MEAN IT! NOTHING!

Each email must only deliver the promised notice of a new educational or entertainment series on the related to the market you are targeting. Basically, what we are doing is creating the most friendly open free range mulching grounds. This is the grand master of all processes.

Then, at a rate of about 2x a month, offer valuable unique NON SELF SERVING EMAILS. What ever your industry, i'm sure that you have some tidbit that will make you look like a omniscient oracle. Give value in short emails. 

Once you have over 2000 email addresses where you have built up a strong credibility base and good will. You can now start collecting the truly valuable online demographic data. Install an open source facebook clone web application called elgg. With elgg... you will be able to get your users to get YOU each other's demographic data.

In other words, two users will communicate about a video or how to doc or blog post or email you sent out. One user will ask another user what his/her real name is, age, location, etc. And now that they are grazing on your fields, you become the de facto beneficiary of all this valuable data. 

But don't get me wrong. For a long term success, you must never fleece your citizenry. Even when you milk them, make sure they enjoy it. I'll explain how to build in mutually beneficial ecosystems online next... 

To ask questions about collecting demographic data.

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