Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Top 10 Google Adsense Tips and Secrets

You ever notice how the more common sense something is, the more amazing it is on a list of secrets. If you can create a DUH!!! Factor, you've found a precious secret. So... In that spirit, I give you my most logical, common sense, DUH level google adsense tips and secrets. FYI, I am the holder of the all time engadget.com CTR for an advertiser. Ask Calacanis or Rojas about my 5% CTR.

Note: If you're planning on building an App, see:

Top 5 Ways You Get Burnt By Your IPhone App Developer in NYC and LA

Tip #1
Nobody likes ads. The last three times I clicked on a Google Ad, it was on ACCIDENT! I just clicked on a browser window behind another window and happened to click an ad! So... What you do, is what digg.com does. Put PICTURE ADS along the right side of your webpage. You'll get 400% more accidental clicks!

Tip #2
Create a community like a phpbb3 forum like MINE: http://sparkah.com and do something almost evil. Put the adsense ads in the most CLICKED ZONES of the forum. Next to the "POST REPLY" bottons. People with dirty mouse balls or a high BAC will click an ad 500% more frequently.

Tip #3
Create a community like a phpbb3 forum. People will support robin hoods. You give away secrets for free and they WILL CLICK your ads to thank you... You give away secrets for free

Tip #4
Offer free shizah on a nude simple page that says, "Here is your free blah. Thank You for SUPPORTING my website so I can get you MORE FREE STUFF!"

Tip #5
Create websites that attract high dollar click thrus. This is a grand master level process. You realize that every ad will yield you a different payout when clicked on your site. There are ads that will pay you 10 cents. Then there are ads that will pay you $35 PER CLICK!!! So... pick your battles carefully. A website about ferns will earn you pennies per click but you'll have no competition and an easy time getting to Google's Page 1. A website about cell phones will get you $5 per click but you'll have a hard time competing with the big boys out there.

Tip #6
Encourage comments and responses from the members of you PHPBB3 COMMUNITY! Every comment they make is another billboard for your adsense ads AND if you use links in the template, you'll get bonus link popularity that will quickly take you to google's page 1 again.

Tip #7
Start a youtube channel. Google Owns Youtube. Did you ever notice that when Google bought blogger, all sorts of blogspot blogs showed up on page one under every manner of query. Hint... Hint...

Tip #8
See tip #3

Tip #9
Join my marketing forum at journik.com. I'll tell you more later.

Tip #10
Start an ELGG Social Network. Every single new member dynamically creates dozens of new pages and every comment or blogpost can make hundreds of new pages for your adsense code to replicate like a bad rash.


  1. nice tips hope you help me

  2. u post links is it alow on blog google will not delete ur blog?

  3. Very good tips! I am going to have to try these out on my blogs. Thanks!

  4. I love the tips and will be starting a social network soon. I kinda thought it would be tough to do but you make it seem so easy.

  5. pls the traffic thing is boring, which paid traffic is best for adsense?


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